
Infinite Looping in Harmony

Take a tour of ‘Infinite Looping in Harmony’. Discover the works of the twelve international artists... and listen to their creators in action throughout a soaring soundtrack, a rhythmic, abstract and colorful tempo.

APRIL 2023

Is There Yet Space For Light

On the occasion of her first solo show in Paris, Maria Appleton guides us through "Is There Yet Space For Light", hosted by HATCH.


Garage Band

Take a tour of ‘Garage Band’. Artists from all walks of life, Maria Appleton, Dalia Baassiri, Kara Chin, Nicolas Faubert & Gabriel Moraes Aquino, Léo Fourdrinier, Arthur Hoffmann, Jan Melka, Lorenzo Monnini, Felipe Romero Beltrán, Romain Vicari question what would be a certain "archéology of the future".

JUNE 2022

Fallen Kingdom

Discover Kara Chin’s solo show at ASIA NOW 2022.